samedi 23 mars 2013

21 conseils avisés d’entrepreneurs pour monter sa startup

En fait, il y en a beaucoup plus. CenterNetworks a en effet eu la très bonne idée de rassembler au sein d’un guide les conseils d’une trentaine d’entrepreneurs. Cette compilation comprend ainsi des recommandations très pertinentes lorsqu’il s’agit de monter une startup ou un business web.

Je vous en recommande vraiment la lecture. Mais pour vous donner un avant-goût du contenu de ce recueil, voici une liste de conseils que j’ai sélectionnés et qui m’ont paru pleins de bon sens :

The highs are higher, the lows are lower. The key to success is to maintain balance and a level head through both.
Alex Bard from goowy
Be ready to accept failure (9 out of 10 start ups fail).
Alex Bard from goowy

Be ready to sacrifice: Building a product and company is a lot of hard work. The hardest part is not coming up with an idea or building the product, it’s staying committed enough to do it when you’re tired, or when the first major investor says no, or when you have to sacrifice a night out. If you can’t give up some of the things that you really care about right now, you will have a hard time sticking with your idea.
Avichal Garg from PrepMe

Build a strong team of generalists who can specialize. Find team members who complement each other but who can jump in to do anything. For example, if you are building a team of engineers find great engineers, some of whom think about the front-end, some about the back-end, some about speed, but all of whom can jump in wherever and whenever needed to build a part of the product.
Avichal Garg from PrepMe

If it’s core, make it great